SaaSquatch Help Center

We could not find a Recurly Account using the payment_provider_id you provided: {{paymentProviderId}}. payment_provider_id must be either a valid Recurly Account Id or null.

Classic only This error will only be seen in a classic referral program.

🔗 Tips To Fix This

  • Make sure the payment_provider_id is a valid Recurly Account ID
  • Make sure the payment_provider_id is from the Live or Test Recurly Gateway that matches the Live or Test tenant_alias that you're using in SaaSquatch.
  • If the user does not yet exist in Reculy set payment_provider_id: null
  • If the SaaSquatch Account already has a payment_provider_id associated with it you must include that value, not null.

🔗 Why is This Happening?

We validate any payment_provider_id by using it to look up a Recurly Account with a matching Account Code. If you're running into this issue, it means that we couldn't find a Recurly account using the payment_provider_id that you provided.

If some of your users don't exist in Recurly, then you can set payment_provider_id: null for those users.