SaaSquatch Help Center

We try our best to ensure backwards compatibility of our products, but sometimes we have to launch breaking changes. Our policy is to notify customers first by emailing our Breaking Changes list and posting details on this page.

Breaking Change Policy

Our first priority is to make sure that our products don't change so that nobody has to spend time updating their integrations. In some cases, we have to make backwards incompatible changes.

  • We try to maintain backwards compatibility for customers as long as possible.
  • When we remove functionality, existing customers may be "grandfathered" in to existing behaviour and only new customers get the new behaviour.
  • If a breaking change can be rolled out slowly, we start disabing the feature for a portion of traffic before turning it off completely.
  • Announcements for breaking changes are sent via email.

Subscribe to Breaking Changes

We will notify you when breaking changes are announced, and send periodic reminders before they take effect.

Upcoming Changes

There are no upcoming breaking changes. Subscribe to our email newsletter above to be notified if any changes are announced.