SaaSquatch Help Center

Birthday & Anniversary

Engage with loyal customers on their birthday or a specific anniversary with a special reward.


Celebrating a customer’s birthday or anniversary is a simple and effective way to recognize each customer individually and personalize their experience.

A birthday or anniversary reward is the perfect yearly opportunity to re-engage inactive customers and continue to reward loyal ones.

🔗 Example:

An online retailer wants to show their appreciation to loyal customers by offering a discount during their birthday month.

The company launches a Birthday & Anniversary Program to send a $25 credit to users one week before their birthday.

🔗 Features:

  • Choose how many days before their birthday or anniversary to give a reward.
  • Choose whether to reward based on date or month.
  • Set as a one-time reward or give a gift every year.
  • Target specific customer segments.
  • Customize the email to notify users when their reward is ready to use.