SaaSquatch Help Center

A detailed developer guide for logging user events with idempotency. Add idempotency to your user events to ensure at most once processing of events sent to SaaSquatch. Includes API, integration, and SDK examples.

πŸ”— Event Idempotency Dev Guide

πŸ”— SaaSquatch user events

Any time a user interacts with your system, you can send SaaSquatch an event with details about this interaction. Some examples of user events to send to SaaSquatch include:

  • Purchases or transactions
  • Subscription creation, update, or removal
  • Mailing list subscription

Read more about SaaSquatch user events here

πŸ”— Event idempotency

Event idempotency is a mechanism for ensuring β€œat most once” processing of events sent to SaaSquatch. This allows developers to retry sending SaaSquatch user events without having to worry about events being duplicated.

In order to achieve this, each event must be sent along with a unique idempotency key. If an additional event is received by SaaSquatch within 24 hours with the same idempotency key, it will be rejected by SaaSquatch with a 409 Conflict HTTP status code. You will need to ensure that you are handling this status code in your request logic (in general it can be treated as a successful result).

πŸ”— Idempotency keys

There are two requirements for idempotency keys: They must be between 8 and 64 characters long Only alphanumeric characters and -,_,. are accepted

Idempotency Keys are scoped per tenant, and are stored for 24 hours after they are first received.

It is recommended that you use UUID v4 identifiers for idempotency keys, as they are sufficiently unique and contain no invalid characters, however any unique identifier from your system that meets the requirements can be used.

πŸ”— Adding idempotency keys to SaaSquatch user events

You can add idempotency keys to events you send us via: GraphQL or REST API User event imports Integrations, including Segment, Zapier and Salesforce SDK, including squatch-js, saasquatch-java-sdk, squatch-android and squatch-ios

πŸ”— GraphQL API

Idempotency keys can now be included in the logUserEvent and logUserEvents mutations.

Example Usage:

  logUserEvent(userEventInput: {
    userId: "someUserId",
    accountId: "someAccountId",
    idempotencyKey: "f650f058-192c-4e52-b72d-9634116f59eb",
    events: [
        key: "purchase",
        fields: {
          revenue: 1000, 
          currency: "USD",
          order_id: "ref1234",
  }) {
    events {


Example Usage:

curl -X POST{tenant_alias}/open/account/{accountId}/user/{userId}/events 
  -u :API_KEY 
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
  -d '{
  "userId": "someUserId",
  "accountId": "someAccountId",
  "idempotencyKey": "f650f058-192c-4e52-b72d-9634116f59eb",
  "events": [
      "key": "purchase",
      "fields": {
        "currency": "CAD"

πŸ”— Integrations

πŸ”— Segment

As of the latest version the SaaSquatch v2 Segment integration will automatically use valid Segment messageId s as the idempotency key for all track events sent through Segment to SaaSquatch. If you set a custom messageId that is an invalid idempotency key, it will be ignored and the event will be logged without idempotency. You can read more about the Segment messageId here

πŸ”— Zapier

As of version 1.1.4 it is possible to add an idempotencyKey when configuring the Create Event action in our Zapier integration.

πŸ”— Salesforce

As of version 1.10.0 it is possible to add and idempotencyKey to the input of the SaaSquatchTrackEventById, SaaSquatchTrackEventByLead, and SaaSquatchTrackEventByContact invocable methods.

πŸ”— SaaSquatch SDKs

πŸ”— squatch-js

As of version 2.4.1 of squatch-js, TypeScript types have been updated to support idempotencyKey.

Example Usage:

  squatch.ready(function() {

    // Always call init
      tenantAlias: "YOUR_TENANT_ALIAS"      // String (required)
         "userId": "someUserId",
         "accountId": "someAccountId",
         "idempotencyKey": "f650f058-192c-4e52-b72d-9634116f59eb",
         "events": [
              "key": "purchase",
              "fields": {
              "currency": "CAD"
      }, { jwt: "YOUR_USER_JWT" }).catch(function(err){

πŸ”— saasquatch-java-sdk

As of version 0.0.5, the saasquatch-java-sdk supports adding idempotencyKeys to UserEventInput.

Example Usage:

SaaSquatchClient saasquatchClient = SaaSquatchClient.create(ClientOptions.newBuilder()
        .setRequestTimeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        // etc.

    UserEventDataInput eventDataInput = UserEventDataInput.newBuilder().setKey("someEventKey")

    UserEventInput userEventInput = UserEventInput.newBuilder().setUserId("someUserId")      .setAccountId("someAccountId").setIdempotencyKey("someIdempotencyKey").addEvents(eventDataInput).build();

    final Publisher<JsonObjectApiResponse> responsePublisher = saasquatchClient.logUserEvent(
        userEventInput, null);

        .doOnNext(response -> {
          System.out.printf("Status[%d] received\n", response.getHttpResponse().getStatusCode());
          // Getting the raw JSON data as a Map and do whatever you want with it
          final Map<String, Object> data = response.getData();
          // Or unmarshal the JSON result to one of the provided model classes
          final UserEventResult userEventResult = response.toModel(UserEventResult.class);
          System.out.printf("User event logged for user with accountId[%s] and id[%s] created\n",
              userEventResult.getAccountId(), userEventResult.getUserId());
        .onErrorResumeNext(ex -> {
          if (ex instanceof SaaSquatchApiException) {
            // Non 2XX received, in which case we should typically get a standard api error
            final ApiError apiError = ((SaaSquatchApiException) ex).getApiError();
            return Flowable.empty();
          // Catastrophic failure!!!
          return Flowable.error(ex);

πŸ”— squatch-android

As of version 0.0.7, the squatch-android supports adding idempotencyKeys to UserEventInput.

Example Usage:

    // This is necessary so the main thread does not start the IO operation
    .onErrorComplete() // or provide your own error handling

πŸ”— squatch-ios

Example Usage:

        let jwt = "jwt"

        let clientOptions = try ClientOptions.Builder()

        let client = SaaSquatchClient(clientOptions)

        do {

            let events: JSON = [  
                "userId": "eventtest",
                "accountId": "eventtest",
                "idempotencyKey": "123456789",
                "events": [[
                    "key": "purchase",
                        "revenue": 40,
                        "currency": "USD",

            try client.logUserEvent(userEventInput: events, userJwt: jwt) { result in

        } catch let error {