SaaSquatch Help Center

We've detected that your using a legacy call that's been deprecated. At one point it was possible to use only account_id but now payment_provider_id is a required field. If your users don't exist in your payment system, then set payment_provider_id=null.

Classic only This error will only be seen in a classic referral program.

🔗 Tips To Fix This

  • Make sure you're using payment_provider_id: null.

🔗 Why is This Happening?

If you've been using SaaSquatch for a long time this error is probably happening because payment_provider_id hasn't been included in all of your squatch.js upsertUser calls. At one point it was possible to use only account_id but now payment_provider_id is a required field.

If you just recently started using SaaSquatch, then it's most likely that payment_provider_id has simply been omitted from your squatch.js upsertUser call. The payment_provider_id is a required field for all squatch.js calls. Please refer to our squatch.js upsertUser reference for further details on what are required parameters.