SaaSquatch Help Center

Conversion is the process of converting in-progress referrals and unlocking rewards. It is the final of three steps in referral tracking, the first two being identifying a user and attributing the referral back to the person who referred them. In this guide, we explain how to track conversions.

For a full explanation of the difference between identification, attribution and conversion, check out The Basics Success Center Article and the Success Center Guide on Conversion

🔗 Squatch.js

Squatch.js support tracking conversion using the account_status field when a user is identified to Squatch.js. The first time that account_status is updated to PAID for a user it will trigger a conversion for any in-progress referrals that were previously attributed, or if the user was not referred will stop them from being attributed as a referral in the future.

_sqh.push(['init', {
   tenant_alias: 'test_bpinhag9yagag',
   account_id: 'abc',
   payment_provider_id: null,
   user_id: '5678',
   email: '',
   first_name: 'John',
   // account_status: 'PAID' // Include the value "PAID" to trigger a conversion. Omit it if you're using a payment system connectors like Stripe and Recurly.


Using the REST API, one can trigger a conversion based off the use of a account.subscription.status field. The main method for this is the Update Account method. The first time that status is updated to PAID for a user it will trigger a conversion for any in-progress referrals that were previously attributed, or if the user was not referred will stop them from being attributed as a referral in the future. Updating an account in this way will not complete the referral until at least one user has been identified.

curl -X POST{tenant_alias}/accountsync \
-u API_KEY: \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "id": "abc123",
    "subscription": {
        "status": "PAID",
        "billingIntervalValue": 30,
        "billingIntervalType": "DAY",
        "value": 99.99

🔗 Payment Systems (Stripe, Recurly, Braintree, Zuora)

If you've configured your Referral SaaSquatch account to be connected using one of the payment system connectors (like Stripe), then you should follow the integration guide for those payment systems. Payment system integrations typically rely on direct API integration to detect when an account has paid their first invoice to trigger a conversion.

Conversions can be tracked using Squatch.js, the REST API or a payment system connector.